Monday, March 25, 2013


A poem we wrote you remember?

2012, The end of the world

If the world were meant to end 
As they said in twenty twelve
I'd sweep off all the urges
Gathering dust on the shelves

I'd come out and tell you
All that you mean to me
I'd tell you you're everything 
That love has been to me

That the world could go its own way
And we'd be someplace higher
Rising up as one life from
The trampoline of desire

That life on earth is but a pause
Our journey is infinite
That life and love are both the same
no matter how we spin it

I'd hold you all through twenty twelve
And as we reached the end
I'd be glad I didn't hold back,
And let myself pretend

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Unfulfilled One

I melt in your arms
Like i have never known before
You took me to the depth of waters
Which I often gazed at from the banks of it

You held me in your warmth
And told me its ok to fall back
You unlock the floodgates of emotions
That I’d tremble doing so otherwise

I melt in your delicacy
Like its meant to be
I find the roots of calm
As if its the easiest thing to achieve

My reflection gets a name
And you make it sound like poetry
But I’ll never confess,
For  the purest of love
Is always the unfulfilled one...