Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Some Things

Some things will never change

The winds would blow

And the trees would shed
Autumn goes as winter sets

Longing for a glimpse of thee
Wandering the streets for eternity

I walked alone, I walked together
But found no where my consort to be.

Searched the gardens
Swam the oceans

Measured the winds and
Gaped at the moon

Soon enough I found my answer
Naïve I was, you see,

Took too long to learn that
Thee won't come to see me,

For lovers don't meet somewhere
They are in each other all along!

-Based on a quote from Rumi.


If you were a colour
I'd be the same shade
If you were a painting
I'd be every stroke in it

If you were a tide
I'd be its froth
Its salt
If you were air
I'd be the dust
that you lift

I'd be the sweat
I'd be the blood
I'd be the impulse
I'd be your pulse

I'd be whatever
You want me to be
I'd be your soul
And we'd be whole

We'd be inseparable
We'd be inseverable
So we can live and die
Holding hands forever